These remnants, rotting keepsakes of words and pictures are mnemonically residual. They are scryed, interfaces utilizing misfired sigilings, systems of incomplete quasi-alchemical call-signs and proto-symbologies loosely based upon borrowed (and in some cases stolen) artificially charged devices. When assembled into specific schemas, this soft machinery marks as it contains, and thus constructs the Terminal House.
Of Magick
...and dust and mud and ash and salt and paper and wax and chalk and clay and rust and rust and rust...and blood and tooth and bone and shell and skin and shadow and hair and horn and seed and seed and seed...and black and purple and blue and red and green and yellow and white and brown and grey and grey and grey...and volcanoes and hives and altars and caves and wells and nests and pits and pools and mounds and mounds and mounds...and of time and of matter and of space and of memory and of chaos and of order and of sleep and of dream and of magick and of magick and of magick...